Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: Page numbering To place automatic page number markers on the master pages press Command Option Page number controls are in the "Page setup dialog box. The "Num bers.. button allows several page number schemes, including: Arabic numerals (1, 2,3, 4...) upper Roman (I, II, III. IV...) lower Roman (i. , ii, iii, iv... upper alphabetic ... AA, BB, CC...) lower alphabetic cc...). If the current publication is part of book list in which "Auto- renumbering ic applied, and you want to restart page numbering for the publication at the number specified in Start page you can check "Restart page numbering If you want selected pages in a publication to have no page numbe place these pages at the end your publication and cover the pa! numbers with small box with no line and "paper" color fill you want s ...